Why is health important ?
Your health is at the center of your life. Every part of your life relies on you having good health.
You cannot climb higher in all the other seven areas of your life if you do not have enough physical energy to devote to each of them.
When you have low energy, it is difficult to:
  • Express love and intimacy
  • Support your family and consciously parent your children
  • Perform at work if you are too tired to be productive
  • Have fun with friends if you are dull and lethargic
  • Learn and grow if your weak body has weakened your mind
Have a sense of charity and contribution if ill health has you looking inwards rather than outwards on helping others. Without good health, you have nothing!

What Is Health And How Is It Measured?

Your energy level is a reflection of your overall health and wellbeing. The more energy you have, the more you will get done in your day and life.
We all have the same amount of time in the day, so the difference between us can only be the energy we bring into each aspect of our life.
What most people don’t realise is that there is a symbiotic relationship between your health and the other seven parts to your life. Your health is made up of four layers or energies:

  1. Physical
  2. Mental
  3. Emotional
  4. Spiritual

Motto of our website:

  • to help you maintain your health in your daily busy life
  • all information about the medical world at one click
  • to let you learn more about yourself

How to use our website?

1.Sign up

Features of our website:

  • HOSPITAL SUGGESTION:suggests u nearby hospitals according to your location
  • BMI CHART:get to know your body type